Varsity Install: Sport + Audiovisual = Happy Burger Lovers

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The LatestAt PAV, we take pride in our strong partnership with the Varsity Burgers franchise. Whether you enjoy a Varsity burger in Joondalup, Whitfords, Northbridge, Innaloo, Morley, Nedlands, Waterford or Fremantle, rest assured that our AV magic has left its mark on these venues, catering to all your sport viewing needs.
Most recently, we have worked on the new Whitfords and Innaloo projects and the exciting transformation of the outdoor area at Varsity in Morley. PAV’s installations include live music stages, outdoor screen solutions, incredible sound and large projection screens for the very best in Sports viewing or listening to awesome acts.
Varsity provides big screens and sounds, big sports, big burgers and an even bigger atmosphere.